It is the first international standard to IT management information system. ISO 20000 mainly focus on supporting the business side with adequate IT services , If your IT organization is customer focused which works as per the quality levels than you should have ISO 20000 Certification.
ISO 20000 is increasing the competition level in the marktet as many clients only gives contract to IT service providers who has ISO 20000 Compliance.
Many organization can also have internal benefit working along ISO 20000 because its a standard that supports the business by providing IT services efficiently.
We at GSB has a team of skilled , dedicated professionals and experts that can help your organization providing various IT services that meet the customer requirements.
We offer :
ISO 20000 Certification,
ISO 20000 concultancy,
ISO 20000 Consultant,
ISO 20000 Training,
ISO 20000 Audit,
ISO 20000 Gap Analysis,
ISO 20000 Checklist.